Visit our Current Positions page to apply.
The Application Process
Check out the listed positions to get an idea of the service opportunities. Fill out our brief Interest Form if you have questions or want to learn more about serving.
Apply directly to the contact listed in each position in the expandable list: Current Positions
If you find no open positions (or none that appeal to you), Email PMSC or call/ (814) 472-7690 x2337 and we’ll be happy to discuss possibilities.
Benefits for Members 2024-2025
A Biweekly Living Stipend is provided for all members and the amount is based upon the amount of hours required to fulfill the contract.
1700 hours contracts: $7395.00
1200 hours contracts: $5176.50
675 hours contracts: $2817.14
100 hours contracts: $416.17
Health Care Benefits (offered for members serving “full-time service hours” positions)
Child Care Assistance (Income Based-offered for “full-time service hours” positions)